Midwest Homeschool Conference in Cincinnati Part 2

Yesterday I told you about four of the speakers and mentioned I’d tell you about the Vendor’s 2925(30).jpg Rod and Staff's Nature Book To ColorHall today.  Well, let me just say again…it was HUGE!  I never made it through the whole thing as I like to talk.  Would you ever have guessed that? ;)  But I thought I’d share some of the really great items I did come across.
I discovered the curriculum called Rod & Staff and I looooooved their readers.  They have simple stories that are void of any extra junk.  It’s hard to find books about family and children that aren’t Disney based.  Now don’t get me wrong.  I love Disney and I can say and sing word for word the entire ‘Little Mermaid’ and ‘Beauty and The Beast.’  Shoot.  My wedding gown was a match for Belle’s yellow gown.  But, I want some real and honest for the kids and I’ve had a hard time finding it.  The covers are so pretty with their pencil colored images.  The illustrations are simple pencil line drawings but one was done in turquoise ink and ohmahgoodness did it hurt my eyes.  There’s also coloring books that are great for your continent bins or for inspiration to draw your own.  I have fallen in love with their Nature Book to Color.  I am wanting to hang it in my craft room it’s that pretty.  It’d be great if they came out with these colored on notecards.  I think they’d be nice for inspiration especially since they already sell cards.
logo.gif add a century timelineI’m a big history buff.  As in I read books over time periods for fun and know all kinds of  useless facts. :)  I also have a deep passion and adoration for all things timeline.  As we were walking down the aisle (I think we were leaving) I saw the Add-A-Century Timeline by Great Space 
Group.  I think I lost all evolved skills as I literally snapped my fingers at Leann.  Tables were turned as I went all teen heart throb on an ITEM! not even a human being.  While I ooh’d and ahh’d and Leann laughed as I “Geeked Out”, the lady explained the system.  While I really did love the system I already have my own timeline set up and it works for us which means I must file this want under share how wonderful it is and hope Ben surprises me one day. 
currclick-logo-earthCurrclick was there too and I’ve purchased a LOT of their products last year as we prepared for the GAPS diet.  Most of what I bought (really all) was unit studies and lapbooks over American History.  Seriously if I had my way the only math we’d use is counting to figure out what page I was on or what year something happened. :) Luckily there’s logo.jpg math u seeMath-U-See and they were another vendor there that we use.  And, yes, I love Math-U-See.  I can pop in a dvd/tape (yes, we’re old school with our VCR.) and Bub gets a lesson.  It works for us and it also works very well with our Montessori materials.  I even bought all the Algebra’s and there after as I figure going through them will help me with my own math classes when I go back again to finish my elementary/special education degree.  (I think they’re calling it something different now but to the point!)
logo.gif ring of fireThere was a lot of products that made my heart go pitter pat but one in particular was just awesome.  It’s called Ring of Fire.  I knew it’d have all three of the kids tickled and I knew I was excited by it.  First of all her logo was pieced and embroidered onto a small quilt.  That right there caught my attention ‘cause I like things made by hand.  Second of all it showed the continents and I love our continent bins and wondered if it’d be something to go with them.  But then after talking to her about the quilt she starts showing me what she has.  The company is called Ring of Fire and she sells materials that’d be perfect to go with your Montessori 6-9 history  Have you ever looked at a rock through a handheld microscope?  It was like seeing a new world.  You HAVE to check Myrna out.  She also offers a free science newsletter each month..  She has a whole package with a the rocks, book, cd and dvd and you can get the books in pdf form too which means you could put it on your kindle or droid with the kindle app (which is a very handy).  Her stuff is for all from pre-k to high school and of course mommas who get excited by experiments and activities.
Well!  That was the convention for me in a nutshell.  I did learn some things while going through that I wish I’d known before hand and I’ll share them with you tomorrow.  I really had fun and I am planning on going back next year April 4-6th.  It’ll be at the Duke Energy Center there in Cincinnati,Ohio again.  I only hope they’ll extend the hours the Vendor Hall is open so that we have more time to look next year.  HINT! HINT!

If you missed Part 1 where I shared about Amanda Bennett, Cindy West, Kathy Kuhl, Diane Warring and her daughter Ashley Wigger.  (By the way…all pictures obviously belong to said folks.  They’re not mine.  My apologies for yesterday as I was a bonehead and forgot to mention it.)


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