Couples Therapy Session 2

Monday we had our second talk with Angela.  It was good.  (How blase is that?!)  It was comforting in the fact that she addressed some worries I had kept to myself.  Apparently she's not into giving ideas but guides you as you discover the answer.  Look...if I could come up with the answer I wouldn't be here! ;) 

Ben says we deal with stress and crap by adding more stress and crap.  Basically, we deal with the lack of support by being too overwhelmed to realize it?  I'm not sure but I think that's what he meant.  I think we're starting to have birth defects in our energy babies.  Basically we've been inbreeding our energy.  It's just cycled between the two of us and we haven't had any fresh energy coming in.  It's time for the energy tree to have some fresh blood.

I've been thinking and...well...I kinda just begged and perhaps slightly ordered my girlfriend to have a party.  Let me start at the beginning.  She's in the PTO in the school district we're moving to....some day...soon...this summer.  I've wanted to attend the meetings so I can start 'networking' so to speak....but I knew better than to expect the kids to sit still that long.  But, when she mentioned there was an OLDER kid Lego club I said she should start a lego club for the younger kids so my godson could attend.  Also, since there is always an issue with childcare at the meetings..if it was during the PTO meetings....children are engaged and parents are engaged in the process and going ons with the meeting.  She did! She made the club.

I'm making a container that unzips for the legos as a bribe so no one kicks out the weird homeschooling mom that isn't even in the same county yet! ;) the immortal words of Mary Poppins..."a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go dowwwwnn, medicine go down, medicine go down!  Just a spoonful of sug" get the idea.  So, I get to learn about the school system, the kids are entertained in a safe environment, and !!!! I get to be around PEOPLE!!!!!...who aren't in a grocery store!!!!!  Talk about exciting!! ;)

So I asked odd is it?  She said she didn't think it odd since I'm interested in the school system and how they are.  But, I can hear you saying...PTO?  huh?!  You homeschool...  Yellow Springs actually does what they're supposed to do and has the homeschoolers in for whatever they are needing/wanting to do.  Plus if something ever happened to where I couldn't homeschool we want to be in a system that's good.  A system that values the children, their growth emotionally, physically, and intellectually.  I also SUCK at the whole music/singing thing, think cat in heat caterwauling, and there Rhea could be in music class as she's my little singer and interested in music.  Tyler could join gym and they'd all come back home.  We also will allow them to choose if they still wish to be home schooled or if they'd like to try/do public school once there.

This means I'm heading off to the October meeting here soon.  We're also going to start taking Sunshine to a playgroup up there so she can make some friends and we're hoping to meet some other homeschoolers. the party.  I talked her into a Halloween party so we could meet some folks and I could throw a Halloween party.  Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday and out here in bufu we don't have trick or treaters and no one decorates and's depressing.  I did notice my neighbor hung up a ghost flag thingy and put out some fodder shocks so maybe the one year I don't decorate 'causes them to all decorate....hummmm

We weren't decorating as we're trying to sell the house, but...I've realized while writing this post how much I LOVE and derive pleasure from the whole holiday shebang that starts with October first and doesn't end until mid January.  I think I'll decorate after all.  Better late than never huh?

Now how does a PTO meeting, a Halloween party and decorating the house connect with marriage counseling?  Simple....we need to bring in more joy and fun and allow all the stagnant energy to become active again.  Poor Ben can't do it but he is going to see about getting Sunday the 31st off so he can be at the party at least and then we can go trick or treating later on that night.  I'll have my yearly chat with the Halloween Fairy but that's another post.  (She trades out candy for children with allergies who go trick or treating and swaps it around so kids get stuff they can have.)  I'm trying to think of ideas to get us out and a way to get some adult time.

Oh...and I've we have also decided that we're going to have a Daddy Day!  I realized my perfect me thing would be being home, alone, getting my list all checked off and completed, house cleaned, materials made, laundry cleaned AND put away.  (Did you know that the dresser drawers were made for holding laundry?  I know!  Ingenious concept! ;) )  So every week Ben's taking the kids and THEY are leaving!  I'm staying!  Can't wait!  Ben gets more time with the kids, they get time with him, I get time alone and the kids get time away from me.  It's all a win win in my opinion. we only have to find a way to get some couple time.  Anyone have a magic potion to make one of the kids older so they can babysit?  Where's Harry Potter when you need him?!



  1. What? There are people. . . outside? . . the grocery store. . . ??

    We have been in our house a year now, and last year didn't know where any neighborhoods were. This is a weird one mile wide coastal town . . .all built on a hill. BUT - we found the mother load of suburbia and the boys are thrilled to walk around the streets begging for candy. . . . We're all set. :)

  2. hi mama - i just now saw your etsy conve and i'm so glad to have found you, or that you found me, or whatever. i can't wait to start reading your blog!

  3. Praying for you Honey, Don't know how else to help....

    You both are doing good....

  4. I don't know how comfortable you are with looking, but local nursing homes that employee activities assistants are a great source to ask about references for a sitter. As a bonus, to work there they have a background check and are CPR trained. :)

    That's how we found our wonderful babysitter and thank heavens for adult date nights! They helped us immensely with feeling reconnected.


;) I do love reading comments. Plus, you never know if I'll send you a special something just because you left a comment. Yes, I know, but adult bribery is acceptable.